Interviews & Media

For exclusive insights and expert commentary, I am open to media interviews. Please feel free to contact me via email for any interview requests.

Aproximación a la migración desde las humanidades digitales 

by Eloísa Román

Agoreando /Tec Sounds Radio 94.9 FM. June 17, 2024

Interview about my current research interests and how these are connected to my personal life. Also, what are the most amazing findings I have encountered in this research journey.

La desinformación y el engaño a los inmigrantes que intentan llegar a EEUU. ¿Dónde buscar información oficial?  

by Paola Sardiña

El Tiempo Latino. February 16, 2024. 

Interview about Redes, migrantes sin fronteras, and how  reasons to migrate, and the current situation of migrants in Mexico. 

Rumbo al día del migrante: 18 de diciembre, Día del Migrante  

by Mucho+Q2 team

Altavoz Radio. December 18, 2023. 

Interview about the right to migrate, reasons to migrate, and the current situation of migrants in Mexico. 

USA: Verhärtete Grenze zu Mexiko 

by Johannes Streeck. 

ND Journalismus Von Links. April 13, 2023. 

Interview about and the work of the digital project Redes, migrantes sin fronteras, specifics on the kind of help the site provides to the migrants. 

Confine USA-Messico: situazione drammatica, anche con Biden 

by Beatrice Chioccioli 

Voci Globali. April 27, 2021. 

Interview about the current situation of migration in the Mexico-U.S. border and the work of the digital project Redes, migrantes sin fronteras.

Rubria Rocha: la mexicana que ayuda con tecnología a los migrantes 

by Elisa Villa Román

Milenio Diario. February 26, 2021. 

Interview about the work on the digital project Redes, migrantes sin fronteras.

Investing In Mexico’s Future

By Heather Stringer 

Monitor on Psychology. April 1, 2019.

Interview for the American Psychological Association about the research work with Mexican returnees.

Program piloted to help online students connect

by Richard Miller 

WSU Insider. August 16, 2012.

Interview about the use of VoiceThread in the design of Spanish online courses at Washington State University’s Global Campus.